Together We Work For The Community, Together We Progress


Tuesday 31 March 2015

I was informed by Dr Vanitha and Dr Vaishnavi about the plight of a family in Seremban who are facing grave financial difficulties as these two good Samaritans have been helping them previously. The family comprises of the father, a lorry driver; the mother, a housewife and their 4 children (ages 13,9,6 and 2)
Their water and electricity supply has been cut due to inability to pay and a check with the necessary departments shows that the outstanding bill amounts to more than RM5,000.00.The youngest child is forced to drink Teh-O because the family cannot afford to buy milk for the child. The second child has learning disabilities and is enrolled in an OKU school. However, she does not have transport to go to school. To add, she also has not been receiving her monthly Kebajiakan.
On 31st March 2015, in my capacity as Putera MIC Rasah Divison Cheif and Putera MIC National Secretary, I visited the family together with Mr.Suresh Subramaniam, Secretary of Putera MIC NS and Mr.Ravindran Marappan , Deputy Chief of Putera MIC Rembau. They bought necessary groceries for the family and formula milk for the child.
We had a long chat with the mother in order to get all the necessary details to be able to solve their water and electricity woes and also obtain help from Jabatan Kebajikan. We will also try to arrange for monthly supply of groceries for the family.
Looking around, we also noticed that the house is in a dilapidated condition. As such, we will try to arrange for the house to be painted, and to get new mattresses, pillows and clothes for the children. I advised the mother to ensure all the kids attend school and study well. I also assured her that we will try our level best to assist the family in all ways possible with the help of everyone. Thanking to Dr.Kani Mozi Rathnam for sponsoring bed,pillow,mattress, ms.Varsha Gopal for giving them new cloths , Mr.Santara Segaran for giving sundry food , Mr.Premnath Agamutu & Harekrishna for cash aid.

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